American Legion Auxiliary Unit 7
1760 Turner Street, Clearwater, FL 33756
President |
Deborah Benningy |
1st Vice-President |
Bonnie Bach |
2nd Vice-President |
Secretary |
Janine Brown |
Treasurer |
Terri Carlisle |
Chaplain |
Cynthia Hoch |
Historian |
Sergeant at Arms |
Vicki Matters |
Member at Large |
Janice Miller |
Member at Large |
Sheryl Miller |
Member at Large |
Member at Large |
Q: I am related to someone who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates. Can I join the Auxiliary of The American Legion?
A: If your relative served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of The American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary of The American Legion. However, if the qualifying Veteran is deceased you may join the appropriate organization, even if the qualifying Veteran was not a member of The American Legion when living.Click here for a Membership Application
Completed Applications may be dropped off at the post or mailed to the address above. Please include your annual dues of $40.00. Make checks payable to Auxiliary Unit 7